Ramadan 2013 – Resources

We would like to convey to each of you our very warmest Ramadan Mubarak and wish you each a very spiritual month and beyond, Ameen.

As Ramadan is a blessed occasion for each Muslim and an opportunity to expand or establish one’s faith in Almighty God, we would like to share with you a very pertinent extract from the writings of the Promised Messiah (as) Continue reading

Laylat al-Qadr & I’tikaf – The Final 3rd

[97:1] In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful. [97:2] Surely, We sent it down during the Night of Decree. [97:3] And what shall make thee know what the Night of Decree is? [97:4] The Night of Decree is better than a thousand months. [97:5] Therein descend angels and the Spirit by the command of their Lord with Divine decree concerning every matter. [97:6] It is all peace till the rising of the dawn.

By the Grace of Almighty God, we are once again upon the last ten blessed nights of Ramadan. These ten nights are most commonly associated with the Islamic concept of Laylat al-Qadr, meaning ‘Night of Decree’ or ‘Power’. Continue reading

How an Anti-Ahmadi site made me a better Ahmadi Muslim?

Assalamu ‘Alaikum Warahmat Allah Wabarakatuhu

Alhamdulillah, the readership of this blog grows with each month. Ramadan has been a particularly blessed month in this regard – as in many other ways. The blog enjoys a modest, yet healthy following on twitter which is bursting with Ahmadis championing the dignity of the Jama’at. One such person felt compelled to send me the below post last night. May Almighty Allah bless him and all those individuals who are constantly e-mailing me dozens of messages literally every day. Such is the love that Ahmadis have for the Imam of the Age (‘alayhi al-salam). I would also like to add that after receiving hundreds of comments, articles, tweets, and e-mails I can honestly say that I have only received one single message which was inappropriate. The adab of the Ahmadi Muslims is quite extraordinary – May Almighty Allah bless you all.

Jazak Allah


By L Ahmed 08

I accidentally stumbled upon an anti-Ahmadi site a few months ago. At first it seemed like just another regular anti-Ahmadi website with hate-filled material, but then I read a few articles and it was clear that someone had done some research using historical articles. Well, to cut a long story short, I was still not convinced by the content. I decided to read some of the comments posted by visitors to the site and it was at this point that my journey to becoming a better Ahmadi Muslim began. The comments were full of hurtful and disparaging remarks about the Promised Messiah (as), my beloved Khalifa (atba) and his predecessors (May Allah be Pleased with them), all people dear to my heart. The comments also claimed that I, as an Ahmadi, was ”brainwashed” and should ”come back to Islam.”

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Memories of Pakistan


Jawaharlal and Kamala Nehru on their wedding 

To The Nation’s Youth

Assalamu ‘Alaikum Warahmat Allah Wabarakatuh,

I stumbled upon an absolute jewel from the treasure-chest of the beloved Jama’at of the Imam of the Age (‘alayhi al-salam). Please share this with all of your loved ones. Make sure that every young Ahmadi or non-Ahmadi Muslim you know reads this beautiful and spiritually guiding poem. Print it and give it to your children, brothers, sisters, etc., before they go to University.

The poem was published in the very first edition of the American journal ”The Muslim Sunrise.” The history and quaintness of the original copy moved me to paste a scan of it in here.

Jazak Allah

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